Monday, 29 February 2016

Narrative Wrting

It was a beautiful sunny day to spend at the beach. Johnson the cat was relaxing on the hot white sand. His master was paddling in the refreshing crystal water, when suddenly his friend Byron came along. He was looking very sorry for himself.

Why the long face?” asked Johnson are you hungry.Byron replied nothing's but I am mad at my friends because they are been mean to me.

Do you want to go and get some ice cream Byron yes please Johnson said are you okay Byron repiled yes I’m okay .


One there was a boy named Ben and was 10 years old who lived with his mum and dad .He was so excited for the first day of school he went to the hall to see what class he was in. He was going to be a years 6 this year .

He went to his class and they just play outside all day  it was morning tea he went to his bag and he look inside his lunchbox and there was only a chip and bar. Went he came he ask mum and dad if they saw his sandwich and they said no .

The next day he went to school and his mum drop of . He went looking for the guys who stall his sandwich Ben did not find him. That same day his sandwich got stall again and his mum said that you need to find this boy anwise I will go to the and tell the teachers to find this boy .
The next day it happened again his mum said that this boy better for I come to his house . Ben replied do you know when this boy live down the road and I hate him because he is so sneak. He is so mean and nasty to people.

They went to the boy house down the road and said to him why do you kept on take my food at school it don’t nice and can you stop.


Tilte strange thing Walt :Write what is being dictated to us, word for word
Something strange was happend first my mum, then my dad then my  sister  sun disperses  it was my job to influence and to found the soulits .

My score out of 10 is: 3

Monday, 22 February 2016

Mad Family

Title : Mad family
Max   could see a family from a distance were at together through.  The father was hell how could you forget the food?" .  to which the mother reply," It was a honestly  mistake I’m saw someone would us .

My score was 10

Friday, 19 February 2016

Problem Solving

Walt: add numbers with tens and ones

Problem Solving

Walt: add numbers with tens and ones

Narrative Writing

Once there was a boy name Ben. He and his family travelled to a forest that was never find. Ben heard a scared noise. He went back to the tent to tell his parents that he heard a mysterious noise.

Ben went back to the place where the noise came from. He saw a shadow coming from the tree. It was an old lady and she had been living  in the woods for 10 years and she said that she was going to tell Ben me a stories about  what happened to her.

My parents were dropping me off to school.And then after my mum didn't me to pick me up from school She and  look pretty sad. Mum was at the hospital”. Ben asked “why is she at the hospital Then a few minutes after my mum died in the hospital room and that’s why I live in the forest told the old lady.

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Wednesday, 10 February 2016

All About Me 2016

Walt : Share some information about ourselves

The Three Little Pigs

WaltDescribe characters from the Three Little Pigs
Here are some words that describe these character

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Lishana Marmites

  1. What is Marmite made of? Starts with  yeast

  1. List one ingredient in Marmite and insert an image of what it looks like here What Is Yeast?

  1. After the Christchurch earthquake in 2011 the factory closed. When did it reopen again? 2013 March th23