Wednesday, 25 July 2018

Immersion Assbemly

Mrs Burt with bright green socks, denim shorts dance and sing with the all of the school. Moving there body. Everyone was  having lot of fun. Beyonce Burt's was doing his thang with is hairy legs I hope everyone enjoy it. 

 Team 5 was very funny there themes was thaychin there acting was very interesting . They were very slowly in there moved and has a lot of control in there thaychin. All of Team 5 enjoy. And especially the year 1-2. Mr Wiseman was very into the action he was doing he was falling everyone and he almost fell off the stage. It was very hilarious. 

Anyway thank you to all of the teachers in the whole school. Thank you to Mr Jacobsen , Mr Burt . And also I really enjoy Mr Burt dance with his hairy legs and his Beyonce dance everyone really enjoy it 

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